SvenCo-op Insider™ Platinum Pass (12 months)
 GB£49.99  1  GB£49.99 
Total Purchases GB£49.99 
Tax Adjustment GB£4.16 
Optional SvenCorp Share Option Fee GB£10.00
Shipping GB£6.50 
Total GB£77.05 


< Consent


Accept >

Kids: Thinking about using your parent's credit card without asking permission? Think about it... would they really approve?

Of course they would!! Do you really think they'd wish to deprive you of a vital SvenCo-op Insider™ Platinum Pass?? Of course not! Why? Because they love you! They work and slave so you can have privileges just like these, and what appreciation do you show them? Don't you think you owe it to them to buy this pass for yourself, just once? Stop being selfish, and click Accept! Do it for them!

Or, if you're an ungrateful, spineless wimp, you could just click Consent. That's it... take the easy way out, you useless layabout >:(