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-- 01/04/2006

Game Freaks Look Here!!


-- 01/04/2006

Web Site Under Attack By Malicious Hackers


-- 31/03/2006

Sven's Discount Co-operative victorious in legal battle against Sven Co-op Game!

Sven's Discount Co-operative Web Site Under Attack

By Malicious Hackers!

Shortly after the launch of our new website we have experienced a flood of cowardly attacks from malicious hackers:- Not only have we have received a large number of threatening e-mails from one or more individuals pretending to be a variety of different people, but the same individual has been repeatedly posting disruptive messages to our forums and heckling our employees under a variety of aliases.

This hacking attack has not yet been claimed by any specific group, but research carried out by our website specialist Larry Carling has indicated that members of the previous community that owned this website domain, making fraudulent use of the name "Sven's Co-op Game", are behind these pathetic attempts to weaken the structure of our company.

We are of course making every effort to ensure that this assault will not affect in any way your experience on our website - deleting the offending forum posts etcetera, and taking every possible measure to expediently bring these hackers to justice.

In the intervening time, however, we might suggest that, were all our shoppers reading this news release to visit the new Internet premises of Sven's Co-op Game at http://vikingassault.50webs.com/ (in order to send them e-mails detailing your thoughts on their disgusting, anarchistic behaviour), the vastly increased traffic to their site might cause their server to fail, or at the very least result in their receiving a huge bill for excess bandwidth. This is, of course, a mere observation... although it would be in all of your best shopping interests for it to occur...

For More Information Contact:

Sven's Discount Cooperative Association
Level 2, 221A Baker Street, London, United Kingdom
Internet: larry.carling@gmail.com

Send mail to larry.carling@gmail.com with questions or comments about this web site.


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