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March 2006

SvenCoop.com Web Server Confiscated
31 March, 2006 | by Mad_Jonesy

UPDATE: Unbelievable... Sven's Discount Co-operative is actively encouraging their viewers to send us hate mail in their latest news post! They're claiming that we've launched a "hacking attack" on them just because some Sven Co-op fans e-mailed them asking what was going on, or something. Feel free to let them know what you think of this on their forum. (Please DO NOT launch any real attacks on them, though... we're in enough legal trouble already).

Sorry that we've been unable to be honest about what has been happening with the mod recently -- we had been forbidden to discuss the matter until after our hearing date.

Over the past few weeks, Sven Co-op (the Half-Life modification) has been fighting an epic legal battle over the control of our web domain against Sven Mübêtam, the founder of Sven's Discount Co-operative stores, who accused us of web-squatting on the site address.

Unfortunately, due to a few legal blunders (such as Sven Viking, inspir
ed by Gyakuten Saiban, choosing to defend the mod himself -- then getting himself arrested for contempt of court), the jury ruled in SDC's favour. In fact, they awarded Sven's Discount Co-operative not only the domain name, but also the entire SvenCoop.com web server :(.

The result of this is that we have now lost control over the domain and server... Sven Mübêtam has already had his web development team put in place a new website, and take control of the old forums... doesn't seem that they've bothered with clearing all the old data, though.

Also as a result of the ruling, we're having to change the name of the mod -- which is now to be known as Viking Assault.

We're using this 50webs.com account as a temporary location while in the process of looking for a new server.Sven Viking is still currently being held in Britain while awaiting deportation, which is delaying things somewhat.


Recovering from car accident, join the team!
2 March, 2006 | by Sniper


Hello everyone, I'm alive! My knee is getting much better and I can walk easier. I'm going to physical therapy about two times per week. Unfortunately, there are some serious issues (plural) with Sven Co-op that need to be addressed.

We've been getting a small number of team member applications. Of the few that we have received, there have been programmers, those who use Milkshape 3D, level designers, and website designers that have applied. We're not looking for these people to join.

Who we are looking for...

Highly Skilled Animators

  • You know how to use professional software such as XSI Softimage, Maya, or 3D Studio Max.
  • You could be going to school for 3D Art/Animation, have previous job experience, or you have a lot of self-taught experience.
  • You can make realistic life-like animations, or arbitrary animations for games.
  • You have experience working with at least one engine, professional-wise or as a hobby.

Highly Skilled 3D Character Artists

  • You know how to use professional software such as XSI Softimage, Maya, or 3D Studio Max.
  • You could be going to school for 3D Art/Animation, have previous job experience, or you have a lot of self-taught experience.
  • You can make life-like true-to-form or surreal character models.
  • You have experience working with at least one engine, professional-wise or as a hobby.

Highly Skilled 3D Environmental Artists

  • You know how to use professional software such as XSI Softimage, Maya, or 3D Studio Max.
  • You could be going to school for 3D Art/Animation, have previous job experience, or you have a lot of self-taught experience.
  • This is not a level design position.
  • You can make detailed objects for use in game worlds. Quick Examples: Furniture, Trees, Vehicles, Bunkers, Power Generators, Sculpted Statues.
  • You have experience working with at least one engine, professional-wise or as a hobby.

Why do I have to use professional software to join the team?
Good question. Let me explain. We have a lot of source art which was made using 3D Studio Max and Maya. Milkshape 3D isn't compatible with these programs. Furthermore, Milkshape 3D isn't as powerful as using a professional application. It's good for what it does, but you don't see a company like Epic using it to work on Unreal 3. You'll find that software like 3D Studio Max, Maya, or XSI Softimage is light-years ahead.

Sven Co-op Team Members Get Benefits

If you would like to join the team, here are a few benefits we have to offer:

  • Generally, within reason, software licenses are purchased for use by team members.
  • If equipment such as a hard drive or monitor fails during development, we may be able to provide the necessary funds to purchase an equivalent. We've done this many times before.
  • We like to provide team members with their own svencoop.com email accounts. Email forwarding is available too.
  • You can use us on your resume for future jobs in the industry. Modding experience is always a plus when looking for a job.
  • All team members have access to a 24/7 FTP server to upload/share work.
  • Private Message Board and IRC Channel for discussion.
  • Web space for yourself.

Oh, just one more thing: If you join the team and your hard drive fails a few days later, you're on your own. Tough luck. We're not stupid.

What's taking so long jackass?
Today, it has become more important than ever for mod developers to generate their own art content. It's no longer a matter of effectively using pre-made art assets from the original game. Players want more eye-candy. This has in turn created a huge strain on development teams be it professional or not.

We're in dire need of team members that fit the above roles. If you think you can cut the mustard, fire off an email to me. I always try to put a positive look on applications, after all, I could have died about a month ago in my car accident. (I'm sure you get my point.)

If you apply, I will try to respond within a few days of receiving your application.

As for the mod as it is now? The lack of team members is really putting a strain on development. Things are coming along, but not so much for Sven Co-op 2 as it is for Sven Co-op v3.5 Bronze. I'll be sure to post a few new things v3.5 Bronze will have to offer within the next few days.

Have a great weekend everyone.



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