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March 2010

Contest Map Pack Finally Released!
13 March, 2010 | by Sven Viking


It took a while, but the Sven Co-op Contest Map Pack is finally here! Click here for screenshots of all maps.


Please note that Propanic is not included in this pack, and will be released separately at a later date. There are two reasons for this:
  1. The map and its custom files are 325MB in size! (Even compressed, it would more than double the size of the map pack)
  2. It pushes the limits of the engine so much that a crash bug in 4.07 prevents it from being played to the end. For this reason, we will probably release an updated version of the map at the same time as Sven Co-op 4.1.

Download links:
List of all contest maps:
  • 1st place: sc_psyko - by Lemonsoda
  • 2nd place: sc_propanic - by TrEmPlEr (not included in map pack)
  • 3rd place: deadsimpleneo2 - by Nih
Runners up:
  • Mystic Radar - by RNG
  • Shanghai Harbour - by MysticMDT
  • sc_Inbound - by Moaby
  • Man's Answer - by Naigel
  • Gears of War 2 - by Cyberdaemon
  • sc_S28 - by The fox
  • sc_Castle - by generic
  • 4Ways - by agrs700

Many thanks to: All entrants; CryoKeen, JPolito, and all contest judges; and Noesis Interactive, for providing additional contest prizes! Full details on the contest, and prizes received by the winners, can be found here.



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