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June 2004

Interview and a Screenshot Contest
23 June, 2004 | by Sniper

Yesterday, I was interviewed at Game-Jack. It covers a few topics with the mod's development and my role on the team. The interview is available here.

We are running a Screenshot Contest right now.
Submit the best Sven Co-op screenshots you have, and you could win a prize!

The team is going to pick a select number of screenshots which best represent the mod, and we'll put them on the 'In-game screenshots' page. If your screenshot happens to be one of the five best, you'll get a new donation feature coming in Sven Co-op v3.5. (5 separate winners)


  • Submissions must be from a default installation. Custom huds, crosshairs, or weapon models are frowned upon.
  • Net graphs must be disabled.
  • Do not post pointless screenshots. Example: Do not post a screenshot of a dead barney on the floor.
  • Do not post screenshots which are "funny" yet show nothing about the mod.
  • The Contest forum thread in which the screenshots are posted, is not for discussion purposes. If you make a post there, it must have a screenshot or you will be banned.
  • You CAN post screenshots from custom maps.
  • Screenshots must be in at least 1024x768 resolution.


All submissions are to be posted on the following forum thread:

In order to post, you'll need to have a forum account so be sure to sign up right away. You can submit as many screenshots as you want, as long as they abide by the rules. Do not email submissions to team members, you will be banned from the contest.

Contest Ends: July 5th, 2004.


Custom Player Classes
16 June, 2004 | by Sniper

In the next update, which we are working very hard toward finishing, mappers will have even more control over gameplay options. In addition to our new game types being implemented, custom player classes can also be defined.

Through a simple text file, mappers can provide up to 10 player classes on their map. Options like choosing the player model, health, armor, specific abilities, weapon load out, etc. will be available. We're still working on what sort of abilities will be defined in the abilities 'pool' (that mappers can choose from), but expect them to be very useful.

The weapon load out in the class configuration file will also have support for '.custom' files. Files in the format of weapon_name.custom will be used for weapon configuration. Weapon features (scopes, melee attacks, etc.), model, ammo usage, ammo types, etc. will be defined in these files. This way, you can take player classes to the next level. For instance, with this you could have a Scout class and Infantry class have varying firing accuracies, while using the same weapon.

Please keep in mind, player classes will be on a per-map basis, it's completely up to the mapper if they do or do not want to use them. This is not a forced feature, original maps will still play the same.

If you have any suggestions or requests on this feature, feel free to post in the forums.


Progress Update
4 June, 2004 | by Sniper

News has been slow lately mostly because we're all busy. Weird eh?

In the next update for Sven Co-op, monsters that have the ability to hear will react to combat sounds from their allies. Basically, if you or a monster start shooting off a machine gun, other near-by friends will will run over to investigate. (Provided that they're not busy doing something.) This has a good deal of impact on gameplay, as monsters no longer stand around staring off into space while their friend is trying to kill something.

Click the image above to view a quick demonstration of the feature. Nothing is scripted. Just for clarification, the map shown in the video is not apart of the mod, it's just a test map. You will need the latest version of DivX in order to watch the video. The video is 4mb.

In the next update, monsters will also run over to the corpses of their friends. If a medic happens to run over to a friend's dead body, he may be able to revive them in time.

That's all for now I'm afraid, I hope to have another update available when I get a chance.



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