

» News Archive:


June 2005

Minor Update
20 June, 2005 | by Sven Viking

Update: Sorry about the delay in posting this... I actually got back a while ago, but have been sick, and sort of forgot :/.

Just a quick update to mention that I'm going to be away for the next few weeks. While I'm gone, mail regarding SC1 would be best directed to Sniper, and mail regarding SC2 to Commando. Also, please note that I probably won't be able to process and reply to donation mails that might come in during this time... apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.

Afraid development has been slow over the last while, as most team members (including myself) have been extremely busy with work, exams, and many other real-life afflictions. Sorry to everyone whose e-mails I haven't been able to write replies to :(. Hopefully we'll get things sorted out eventually.



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